Monday, August 24, 2009

Independence is one cliched word. The meaning takes to different levels when viewed. Sometimes, i think that it's transient depending on our frame of our mind. There's nothing like total Independence. We tend to rely on animate or inanimate things. Things that bring us comfort, be it a close friend, or the pure air of the mountains.

At the same time, one needs to strive towards self reliance. It makes you a stronger you. It's hard through tough times, because that's when realizes the need for strong relationships. The emotional trauma that one undergoes can be disappointing if not devastating. But, one'll learn to look at it, console oneself, more importantly deal with it.

I so hope that everybody i know does not have such a situation. Terrible; nevertheless, something requires one to come out of it, in a brave manner. That's an advantage. Light can be sensed only after we understand the meaning of darkness, isn't it?


Shiv said...

However dark it may seem, however terrible it can get..all that makes a difference is a ray of hope..

Light is something which grows and eventually engulfs darkness..

shruthihegde said...

But sometimes you feel "was all that darkness necessary to wait for the light;couldn't the light just be there from the beginning"...

mouna said...

i know. but what to do?