Friday, May 25, 2007


There are times when i feel the need to talk. Consistent, non-stop chatter. About this and that... about things that my knowledge consists of... about Ruskin Bond...... about my oil paintings...... about a friend's tale at his college.... about cousins.... anything....

Perhaps, it'll help me kill time. When i wish for a friend to provide me company for hours together, into the dark hours of the night... to share laughter... jokes.... smiles..

Or talking might provide an outlet to my thoughts, to my silence.... to get rid of the empty feeling.... when all forms of recreation do not prove their worth....

That's when i start thinking. . is it okay when i talk about matters pertaining to dejectedness... the human mind.... philosophy.... the practises on which we debate at home.... am i not young to contemplate on such subjects.....

How i wish that the vacuum completely vanishes.... i might be expecting a little too much from those who surround me....

It'll take time before i come out of this. But i definately will. While i imagine that i've a friend before me....both of us listen to the exchange of voices...


Anonymous said... apt ;)

Oh, and Ditto here.

mouna said...

how true!!
btw, nice to know that u too can talk endlessly :D

Manu said...

I feel among the many modes of conversation,
1) Touch
2) Sight &
3) Words
No doubt words are the most powerfull, if not most expressive.

mouna said...

all the three are wonderful, i guess words are powerful, as it is something that is developed and propagated by us... it might seem empowering.

Anonymous said...

talking endlessly :)..thats something i love to do when i am surrounded by like minded people... i feel very free and light hearted after such chats...

mouna said...

that's wonderful... :D
i agree, it's relaxing.