Wednesday, January 28, 2009


We used to visit this library on Infantry Road. We were regulars there. It's been ages since i visited it last.

I remember there was this series of books which were labelled 'Ladybird'. I didn't know anything about it's publishers then, and i don't know about it now. These books told fairy tales, if i'm correct. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; the usual. The books were small, quite right for a pretty young kid, with big bold letters, and pictures.

These insects; ladybirds are actually very pretty to look at. I fancy them even now, black spots against a very red background. Though i've seen them once or twice, maximum.

When in middle school, i still fingered them, recalling me having read them. As i reached high school, i saw them passing into oblivion. They hardly sat on those racks which housed them for those few years. Speaking of the present, i'm doubtful if today's children are aware of those books.

Another series that was popular amongst my friends at school, were Nancy Drews. These books are still found. I can recollect the author, within a second, Carolyn Keene. We went crazy about the protagonist, her adventures et al. this period lasted for a year or two. At the end of this phase, i used to read one Nancy Drew within a day. There is another version to this -when she a kid, Nancy Drew used to solve mysteries then too. I remember, i used to finish reading them during the time spent in the library, while my father and sister chose books.

And, then i shifted to a genre which was way different from the others; Indian Literature, Robin Cook, Tom Clancy. I read a few titles of Tom Clancy, and quite a bunch of Robin Cooks. But it is Indian Literature; i share my affection with it. I've learnt a lot from it.

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