Saturday, July 24, 2010

I was introduced to Mills and Boons during my under graduation by a friend. At that time, i simply knew that there were a series of books by that name.

To cut a long story short, i stopped at the introduction and never proceeded from there. The friend told me that all Mills and Boons carried sleaze (maybe i should use a different word here) and lots of it. When i borrowed the book from her and brought it home, my father gave me a 'You are not going to read that' stare. Telling him that i'd never pick a second one if i didn't like it, i read on. I assumed that i'd not glance at a second one after having heard about it (which i eventually did).

Seriously, i didn't enjoy. But, when somebody talks about Mills and Boons a next time, i know what they are talking about.

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